5 Health Conditions that can Ruin Your Sex Life

- June 29, 2018
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Physical intimacy with your partner holds importance in sustaining a happy relationship. But a number of people experience issues like lack of desire, delayed arousal, or trouble reaching the orgasm. These problems steal the joy out of sex and ultimately affects the relationship between a couple. Unfortunately, the problems that seem as a “sex problem”, are many times, the result of other health condition a person is suffering from. Identifying the cause behind poor sex life is the first step towards its solution.

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Below are a few health conditions that contribute to sexual health problems one must know:

  • Diabetes: Prolonged diabetes or severe diabetes result in damage of blood vessels and nerves over the long run. This obstructs the blood flow to sex organs in men and women resulting in erection and ejaculation problems in men and vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, and orgasm troubles in women. Always keep your blood sugar level in control, keep checking the levels and meet diabetologist regularly.
  • Depression: Depression symptoms and anti-depressant medicines can reduce your desire for sex. Of course, a happy mind can only yearn for physical pleasure. So, when you are down with your depressive episodes, the sexual symptoms become more apparent. Lifestyle changes, a counselling session, and changes in dose of medicines can help. You need to see a psychiatrist for this.
  • Chronic Body Pains, Arthritis and Migraines: A pain that decides not to quit your body let you quit your sexual desires. With pain in your back, lower waist, joints, head, stomach or any other body part would never let you enjoy the fun of intimacy with your partner as you would also be conscious about your pain. Get yourself thoroughly checked, reach to the cause of the pain and seek appropriate treatment for it.   
  • Lower Level of Testosterone: Lack of male hormone “Testosterone” results in less sexual drive in men. It can be due to diabetes, liver, or kidney disease as well. A blood test will help in identifying the cause and thorough check-up with a doctor can help. However, lifestyle changes, physical activity, and a healthy diet are always recommended in this case.
  • AIDS: HIV deteriorates the ability to produce hormones, including sex hormones. Not only this, the medicines prescribed to control the growth of virus may also sometimes hampers the sex life by altering the desire. People diagnosed with AIDS and under AIDS medication experience low sexual desires. A doctor might suggest counselling session or other treatment based on individual’s case.
Apart from these specific health conditions, many other factors like a trauma, a recent surgery, an assault or similar conditions, reduce the desire to have sex. However, medicinal or therapeutic treatment can help in many cases. It is important to acknowledge the problem, open up and seek treatment on time.

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